We’re a network of skilled designers, writers, creative producers, and strategists offering a convenient remote engagement model that connects your brand with specialists in every aspect of digital marketing and development while you deal with a single, dedicated brand manager.

With continuous testing and iterating, we master the evolving nature of marketing strategy, creating content that engages your audience and improves brand loyalty. And the best part is we manage your social platforms, so you don’t have to.

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Our Approach

Before we start strategizing or designing, we dive deep into your industry, competitors, selling points, audience, branding, and anything else we can get our hands on. By learning as much as possible about you, your position, your audience, and their position, we’re able to identify the most direct path between you.

Then we craft authentic brand stories, compelling digital experiences, captivating visuals, and more to develop powerful brand awareness.

The last step is to deliver your effective new brand strategy right into the hands of your target audience for maximum engagement, more sales, and scalability for your business.

Talent. Diversity. Madrid -

Talent. Diversity. Madrid -

Talent. Diversity. Madrid -


New technologies are bringing people closer together every day, even while they live thousands of miles apart. Just like the internet enables you to connect with consumers, it enables us to source the best talent from all over the world.

Brands & Madrid comprises dozens of skilled and experienced specialists in digital marketing, design, and brand management. The diversity of our multidisciplinary team enriches our creativity, sparking the brightest, most innovative, and most effective ideas.

The digital rendezvous of our dedicated team is what we call Madrid. It’s a place where the barriers between brands and the ideas that can transform them are broken down with the agile collaboration of the best talent the world has to offer.

Our team works like a traditional agency and our campaigns are extremely focused on what performs better with your specific audience, so you get the most return on your investment

Mao Rincon

Digital Director